Al and Brian, your faithful Four-Color Fanboys, are back and waxing rhapsodic about the great stuff they’ve been reading—the recently-concluded Superior Spider-Man, the recently-launched Nightcrawler, and the gorgeously chilling Frankenstein Alive, Alive! just to name a few! Plus, the ‘Boys weigh in on the Janelle Asselin/Teen Titans controversy and the recent business moves by ComiXology. If you like comics, you gotta listen to this all-new Four-Color Fanboys Podcast!
Brian Michael Bendis
All posts tagged Brian Michael Bendis
Something remarkable is happening the world of mainstream superhero comics this week. And one of the best and most remarkable things about it is that no one seems to think it’s remarkable.
I’m talking about All-New Ultimates, Marvel’s new Ultimate Universe team book written by Michel Fiffe, with art by Brazilian newcomer Amilcar Pinna. A spinoff of both the long-running Ultimate Spider-Man title and the recent Cataclysm event crossover, what makes All-New Ultimates remarkable in my book is the makeup of its titular team: Four women (Black Widow, Bombshell, Dagger, and Kitty Pryde) and two black men (Cloak and Spider-Man).
As near as I’ve been able to discover in my research, that makes this the first superhero team starring in a book by a major mainstream publisher without a white male in it.
Let me be clear: I’m not advocating the exclusion of white males from superhero teams. What I’m applauding is this concrete evidence that a white male is not a requirement for having a superhero team.
That’s a big step in terms of representation and diversity in superhero comics, but making it even niftier is that no one seems to be making a big deal about it.
Here it is, the first SENSES-SHATTERING issue of the Four-Color Fanboys Podcast! Join Al (of Resurrections—An Adam Warlock Podcast) and Brian (of the Podwits Podcast) as they talk about the latest and greatest in the world of comics. Al’s all over the New 52 debut of the Metal Men in Justice League, while Brian thinks the (All-New) X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy are two great tastes that taste great together. (No, he’s not eating the comics, people). All that, plus Witchblade, some personal backstories and exciting comic-related news—it’s all inside!